Server Status


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Devotion pt. 2 - An open letter to the community

Devotion Part 2: Open Letter
Remembering Jo's Sexy Server

To the community of JSS,

I just recently heard about the forum downtime. This was apparently a planned DoS attack on the forums of (the hosters of the forum). Because of this, the forums are completely gone and there is nothing to save any old backup or anything. What the hacker wanted was $100, which the community refused to give because everyone knew the hacker would scam and end up with more than the money allotted.

With this in mind, I stopped with an ambition. Just recently, I started a mini-campaign involving a series of my steam community friends about this, and want to tell them that, "I am not giving up, no matter what the dire consequences are!"

If you read the "Hackers Attack Warden In All Ways Possible" article, it says that the IP hack might be used. It is a vulnerability going on and it seems to target local IP's just for hackers to get it their way. What an IP hack could potentially do is hack a super admins (or owners) IP address, give them admin/moderator (if applicable) and then ban anyone who they think is annoying them for their own amusement. (this would be Warden in this case.)

With the website (or forum down), donations for this case might be harder than it looks thanks to the hackers who wanted to scam a good community just because they are evil. US Governments should realize that when this kind of activity starts up, all it leads to is international debates whether it is the same person who is doing it, or a group of people who are doing it just to make fun on a growing community.

I blame the DoSsers or whoever the hell decided to break such a growing community.

With final regards,
Warden (Flame Warden/Ice Warden/Water Warden/Earth Warden)

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